Stop Buying Basil- Grow It indoors

357There millions of ways how to use  wonderfully smelling green Basil leaves in a household, in your kitchen or for skin care. I surely buy it every week in a market and just in two-three days it is all gone. So after a couple of years wondering why Basil leaves disappear  in our house so quickly  I thought of a way out. I started growing it indoors on my balcony. And I really insist on the fact that every family should do so.

Here are the Benefits O Growing Basil Indoors:

— fresh greens every day

— free of charge ( Basil needs just a bit of your time and love…)

— you can be sure that this Basil is really organic. 

— you can be sure that no chemicals were ever used to grow this greens.

This benefits are priceless for any lover of green and healthy life. If you are reading this blog  you are definitely green from toes to ears. Читать далее