Thai Beauty Elixir- Rice Water

content_beauty_recipes_geishaHave you ever heard of Rice Water being used for skin and hair care?


Me either until I’ve moved to Thailand.

When I arrived to Bangkok first thing I noticed that Thai women have magnificent, sick, shiny black hair. For them its a matter of pride and for me of envy.

If talking about skin of Thai women it depends, some of them have ideally shiny skin, some have problems with acne. But what connects those groups- they are crazy trying to make their skin look white. And what can I say they really succeed. Modern Thai youth choose  industrial care products but like always there are exclusions. There are also enthusiastic lovers of green lifestyle and care in Thailand.

My neighbor told me about Thai Beauty Secrets she always uses for  hair and face care. She uses Rice water for everyday care.

Just one recipe for both: hair and face skin. This is amazing and really what I needed: all the recipes of natural homemade cosmetics I use should be very easy and effective.

Now its number one in my list of home care recipes.

How To Make A Rice Water?

Step 1: Rinse about 1/2 – 1 cup of rice to remove any dirt. Then, place that rice in a bowl, cover with room temperature water, and let sit for about 15 minutes. During this time, excess vitamins and minerals will seep into the water, creating this natural Thai beauty Elixir.

Step 2: When 15 minutes are up, drain the rice, catching all of the rice water into a clean bowl. I guess you already know that I like recycling, so don’t discard the rice — cook it!

How To Use Rice Water?

1. For Skin Care: just clean your face with rice water twice a day.


  • anti-inflammatory effect
  • whitening effect
  • tightens skin pores
  • removes greasy shine

2. For Hair Care: after washing your hair rinse them with rice water.


  • nourishes hair with vitamins and minerals
  • strengthens
  • moisturizes dry hair ends

P.S. make sure the Rice Water is kept in a fridge no more then 3-4 days.

Have you ever tried Rice Water as a Facial Cleanser?

Or probably you like other homemade cleansers?

Share your experience, good and bad expiriments in comments.


Mary Rose